亚马逊fire充不上电_因此,您只是拥有了Amazon Fire Tablet。 怎么办?
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Hey, congratulations on your new tablet! The series offers, without a doubt, some of the best bang for your buck devices you can get in today’s tablet market. You’re going to love it.

嘿,恭喜您使用了新平板电脑! 毫无疑问, 系列为您在当今的平板电脑市场上可以买到的最便宜的设备提供了一些最佳选择。 你会爱上它。

As solid as it is out of the box, there are a few things you can do to make that bad boy even better. So let’s go to it.

尽管开箱即用,但可以做一些事情来使这个坏男孩变得更好。 因此,让我们开始吧。

安装Google Play商店 (Install the Google Play Store)

By default, the Fire Tablet line ships with the Amazon Appstore. The Appstore isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s definitely a few steps behind the Google Play Store in terms of content and updates. But since Fire OS is based off of Android, you can easily sideload the Google Play Store for full access to everything Google has to offer.

默认情况下,Fire Tablet系列随Amazon Appstore一起提供。 Appstore不一定很糟糕 ,但在内容和更新方面肯定比Google Play商店落后了几步。 但是,由于Fire OS基于Android,因此您可以轻松加载Google Play商店的内容,以完全访问Google所提供的一切。

The process doesn’t require a rooted device and is fairly straightforward—it’s little more than a few app downloads—so and get to work. You’ll be glad you did it.

该过程不需要扎根的设备,并且非常简单-仅需下载少量应用程序-因此请查阅并开始工作。 您会很高兴您做到了。

开启启动器 (Switch Up Your Launcher)

The stock launcher on Fire OS isn’t really that bad, but if you’re looking to customize your tablet a bit more (or just want a more stock Android-like feel), then installing a new launcher is the way to go.

Fire OS上的股票启动器并不是真的那么糟糕,但是如果您想对平板电脑进行更多自定义(或者只是想拥有更多类似Android的股票感觉),那么安装新的发射器是您的出路。

Just like sideloading the Play Store, this is a simple and straightforward process, but it’s a bit more complicated than simply installing a new launcher from the Play Store and running with it. You’ll need to grab an additional app called LauncherHijack, which is what will enable you to actually use your new launcher.

就像侧面加载Play商店一样,这是一个简单明了的过程,但是比从Play商店中安装新启动器并运行它要复杂一些。 您需要获取一个名为LauncherHijack的附加应用程序,该应用程序将使您能够实际使用新的启动器。

You can find .

您可以找到 。

取得好游戏 (Get Good Games)

Sure, you can read, surf the web, and watch videos on your tablet, but what’s the point of having a tablet if you can’t play games on it? No point, that’s what I say.

当然,您可以在平板电脑上阅读,浏览网络和观看视频,但是如果您不能在平板电脑上玩游戏,那么拥有平板电脑又有什么意义呢? 没什么,我就是这么说的。

And there’s no shortage of excellent, AAA-quality titles available on Android that you can easily get on your Fire Tablet too—assuming you sideloaded the Google Play Store.

而且,即使您负担了Google Play商店的大量费用,您也可以轻松在Fire Tablet上获得出色的AAA质量的优秀Android字幕。

If you’re looking for the best titles you can get on your new device, we have you covered with . Good luck.

如果您正在寻找可以在新设备上获得的最佳标题,我们在这里为您提供 。 祝好运。

控制您的通知-包括烦人的亚马逊 (Take Control of Your Notifications—Including the Annoying Amazon Ones)

If you got the slightly cheaper Fire Tablet that comes with Amazon’s “Special Offers,” then you’re going to get a lot of superfluous ads showing up in your notification bar.

如果您获得了亚马逊“特别优惠”随附的价格稍便宜的Fire Tablet,那么您的通知栏中将会显示很多多余的广告。

But worry not, because you can actually block these ads pretty easily by using a feature that’s built into Android. The next time an ad shows up, simply long-press it, then tap the little “i” icon on the right side.

但请放心,因为您实际上可以使用Android内置的功能轻松屏蔽这些广告。 下次出现广告时,只需长按它,然后点按右侧的小“ i”图标。

From there, you can toggle the “Block” option to hide notifications generated by Special Offers from that point forward. That’s a win for you.

从那里开始,您可以切换“阻止”选项以隐藏从那时起特殊优惠生成的通知。 那对你来说是胜利。

If you’re into getting even deeper control of your notifications, check out our primer on .


摆脱所有亚马逊广告 (Get Rid of All Amazon’s Ads)

Like mentioned in the last section, Amazon offers tablets with Special Offers, which they use to subsidize the device’e price. While you can easily get rid of these ads in the notification bar, you can also drop them from the lock screen if it bothers you that much.

就像上一节中提到的那样,亚马逊为平板电脑提供特殊优惠,他们用来补贴设备的价格。 尽管您可以在通知栏中轻松删除这些广告,但也可以将它们从锁定屏幕中删除,以免打扰您。

But here’s the thing: it’ll cost you $15. Sorry guys, that’s just how it is.

但这就是问题:这将花费您15美元。 抱歉,就是这样。

If you’re down, head over to  and hit up the device’s tab. From there, click the ellipses box beside your device, and click the “Edit” button in the Special Offers section.

如果您不满意,请转到然后单击设备的选项卡。 从那里,单击设备旁边的椭圆框,然后单击“特价商品”部分中的“编辑”按钮。

With one click and a fifteen dollar bill, those ads are gone for good.


禁用您不想要的特定于亚马逊的垃圾 (Disable Amazon-Specific Junk You Don’t Want)

This is Amazon’s tablet, so there’s a lot of Amazon stuff on it. While some of it can be useful, a lot of it is just fluff that probably don’t want or need. The good news is that you easily disable a bunch of the junk by jumping into Settings > Apps & Games > Amazon Application Settings.

这是亚马逊的平板电脑,所以上面有很多亚马逊的东西。 尽管其中一些有用,但很多只是绒毛,可能不需要或不需要。 好消息是,您可以跳到“设置”>“应用程序和游戏”>“ Amazon应用程序设置”,轻松禁用一大堆垃圾。

There are a lot of different tweaks here, but . Feel free to dig around on your own, too!

这里有很多不同的调整,但是这里有很多 。 也可以自己随意挖掘!

使用SD卡扩展存储 (Expand Storage with an SD Card)

Fire Tablets don’t come with the largest amount of storage, so you’ll likely fill it up pretty quickly. The good news is that you can add a microSD card to easily add more storage.

Fire Tablets没有最大的存储量,因此您很可能很快就将其填满。 好消息是您可以添加microSD卡来轻松添加更多存储空间。

Fire Tablet don’t have all the bells and whistles that stock Android devices do—like the option to adopt and SD card as internal storage. You can, however, easily install apps to SD, as well as download movies, shows, audiobooks, books, magazines, and music to the card. You can even automatically save your personal videos and photos to SD. All of that combined can really clean up a lot of space on your tablet’s internal storage partition.

Fire Tablet并没有Android设备所具备的所有优势,例如可以采用SD卡作为内部存储的选项。 但是,您可以轻松地将应用程序安装到SD,以及将电影,电视节目,有声读物,书籍,杂志和音乐下载到卡中。 您甚至可以自动将个人视频和照片保存到SD。 所有这些结合在一起可以真正清理平板电脑内部存储分区上的大量空间。

To do this, simply insert the SD card, then jump into Settings > Storage. You’ll find all the applicable SD card options there.

为此,只需插入SD卡,然后跳到“设置”>“存储”。 您会在此处找到所有适用的SD卡选项。

Fire Tablet Kids:设置“空闲时间”(或使用家长控制) (Fire Tablet Kids: Set up FreeTime (or Use Parental Controls))

If you’re a parent who picked up a Fire Tablet Kids for your little one, now’s the time to set up FreeTime Profiles. This is basically a sort of “kids mode” that keeps your little guy or gal away from all the filthy stuff on the internet (and system settings), but also offers all sorts of free, kid-friendly content like games, books, apps, and more.

如果您是为您的小孩子挑选Fire Tablet Kids的父母,那么现在是时候设置FreeTime Profiles了。 这基本上是一种“孩子模式”,可以让您的小男孩或女孩远离互联网上所有肮脏的东西(和系统设置),还提供各种免费的,儿童友好的内容,例如游戏,书籍,应用, 和更多。

FreeTime also allows you to set goals and time limits, manage storage, and allows/disallow in-app purchases. It actually gets pretty granular, and is honestly one of the best kid mode setups I’ve used on any device.

FreeTime还允许您设置目标和时间限制,管理存储并允许/禁止应用内购买。 实际上,它变得非常精细,并且说实话,它是我在任何设备上使用的最佳儿童模式设置之一。

To access these settings, log in to an adult profile, then jump into the Settings menu. From there, choose Profiles & Family Library, then select your child (or add a child profile if you haven’t already.

要访问这些设置,请登录成人资料,然后跳到“设置”菜单。 在此处,选择“个人档案和家庭资料库”,然后选择您的孩子(如果尚未添加,则添加一个孩子的个人资料。

There are a lot of different options tucked away in these menus, so take your time. is free for a year with the Fire Tablet Kids, so make the most of it!

这些菜单中包含许多不同的选项,请花些时间。 Fire Tablet Kids可以免费使用一年,因此,请充分利用它!

If you aren’t into using FreeTime, or have an older child and feel like FreeTime is a little too juvenile for them, you can also set up Parental Controls. Head into settings from an adult profile, then choose “Parental Controls.” Toggle this option to “on,” set your password, and away you go.

如果您不喜欢使用FreeTime,或者有一个大孩子,并且觉得FreeTime对他们来说太幼稚,您还可以设置“家长控制”。 从成人个人资料进入设置,然后选择“家长控制”。 将此选项切换为“开”,设置密码,然后离开。

在空闲时间配置文件中允许侧载内容 (Allow Sideloaded Content in FreeTime Profiles)

If you set up FreeTime only to find out that your child can’t access any of the sideloaded content you put on the tablet—like YouTube, for example—then you’re not alone.


Fortunately, there’s a workaround for this, though I’ll admit it’s a bit of a hassle. Ultimately, I think it’s still worth doing, especially if you want your child to have access to any of the Google content that has to be sideloaded.

幸运的是,有一个解决方法,尽管我承认这有点麻烦。 最终,我认为这仍然值得一做,尤其是如果您希望您的孩子可以访问必须旁载的任何Google内容。

We have a full guide on .

我们有一个完整的指南, 。

At its core, the Amazon Fire Tablet is an Android tablet. With a few tweaks it can look and function more like a pure Android tablet, too. That means there’s a lot that can be done here—if you happen to find some Android-specific tweaks you want to do, the odds are your Fire Tablet will handle them without issue.

Amazon Fire平板电脑的核心是一个Android平板电脑。 经过一些调整,它的外观和功能也更像是纯Android平板电脑。 这意味着这里可以做很多事情-如果您碰巧发现了一些想要做的特定于Android的调整,则您的Fire Tablet可以毫无问题地处理它们。




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